Warm Up - 3 Rounds
25 Jumping Jacks
10 O.H Squats with Broom Stick
10 Push Ups
10 Back Ext
10 Shoulder Press (warm up weight)
20 Broom Stick Twists (ROM)
Core x 4 Rounds
1 Min Plank
25 Sit Ups
10 Pull Ups - if you cant do pull ups - do negatives/use bands for assistance
10 Dips - Do Real Dips - or if doing the bench dips add weight to make them hard!
Cool Down/Static Stretching
*If you want to do pull ups, then do pull ups. If you cant do an actual pull up - do negatives (jump up and lower yourself down from the top of the pull up position slowly)*
Dont Ever Ever Quit, Never.
Embrace the Suck.